112% in Facebook ad revenue with a 50% ROAS increase

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112% Facebook
Revenue Increase

50% Increase


Stemming from a lifelong love for dogs and design, Irina Nordstrom wanted to create dog accessories that are actually fashionable and durable. Hunting Pony was built on influencers and a strong organic social presence in its first years.

The situation

HuntingPony didn't have the resources for a consistent output of creatives, had an overall low conversion rate, and struggled to find consistency when it came to profitable customer acquisition.

Optimized approach

After performing an audit of HuntingPony's paid media and creative efforts, we identified 3 key areas that needed to be optimized in order to scale the brand.

Creative Testing & Feedback Loop

We implemented a systemized creative testing process that allowed us to launch and test 5-10 new ads on a weekly basis, across paid social channels. The wide range of SKU's allowed us to test different product categories based on profitability margins.

When creative winners were identified, they were graduated into a dedicated scaling campaign.

CRO Optimizations

Conversion rates were on the lower end when we started working together. We wanted to maximize return on every euro/dollar, so getting conversion rates up was going to be crucial.

We analyzed scroll heatmaps and user recordings and identified main dropoffs and areas to optimize:
- Optimizing product image gallery: more lifestyle images and feature point outs
- Adding social proof with UGC imagery and video content
- Removing friction on mobile

Channel expansion

While seeing great performance on Meta and had a consistent creative output machine in place, we decided to expand into TikTok as well.

Today, TikTok is HuntingPony's second biggest acquisition channel.


The partnership between HuntingPony and Optimized has been a successful one. HuntingPony was able to grow it's Facebook ads sales by 112% YoY, while realizing a 50% increase in ROAS.

"Our creative strategy was a real game-changer. We were able to scale so quickly that we had to realign our logistics to keep up. Our CPA dropped drastically while we saw a significant increase in AOV as well. Our team was a big fan of the creatives they delivered each week. These guys are the real deal!"

- Irina Nordstrom
Founder Hunting Pony

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